
CDT: ISP Level Gmail Phishing

Via @torproject comes a link to a China Digital TImes (a site run at Berkeley) that gives just a brief notice that some users behind the GFW are having their gmail login attempts redirected to hxxp:// where they are asked to enter their password. Chinese users reporting this redirect believe that the redirects are being performed by the ISP. Interestingly, is a CNC host in Xinjiang.

At the time of this post the hxxp:// site is not operating (from the US or the PRC according to webpulse).

The original info apparently came from ntdtv:
中国ISP騙取gmail密码 被現場抓獲



UPDATE: I was looking closely at the screen cap that shows the source and it appears that part of the phishing app is hosted on ndns01.com, which doesn’t presently have an IP address assigned although the DNS record was updated on August 10.

Source: http://www.thedarkvisitor.com


Live Cost Hanesan Estudantes Timoroan Iha Bandung

Entra ba fulan Junhu no Julho kada tinan, wainhira estudantes ensino sekundario iha Timor Leste akaba sira nia istudus, sira dalabarak desidi atu mai kontinua ba nivel univesitariu iha universidade balun iha Indonesia. Buat sira ne’e hotu planu nebe diak, maibe antes ne’e mai ita hare hamutuk vida moris hanesan estudantes Timoroan nebe mak mai istudu iha Indonesia specialmente iha Bandung.


- Currency (USD) $1.00 = Rp. 9200,00

- Visa Kunjungan Sosial Budaya Tipo B Index 423

1. Imigrasi (Tratamentu “Ijin Belajar)

- Halo extensaun dala ida = $38.00 = Rp. 350.000,00

Wainhira “Surat Ijin Belajar Baru” seidauk sai ntaun dalaruma bele hala’o extensaun hamutuk dala 4 até “Surat Ijin Belajar” ne’e sai. Ita asumi halo extensaun ba Visa ne’e hamutuk dala 4 entaun bele hetan (Rp. 350.000 x 4 = Rp. 1. 400.000 iha USD = $152,1).

- Fotocopy dokumentus atu trata “Ijin Belajar” foun nebe sei haruka ba Embaixada RDTL iha Jakarta. @Fotocopy = Rp.100,00 ($ 0,01 cent) karik fotocpy ne’e bele han to’o Rp. 5000 ($0,50). Orsamentu atu “Manda” ba Jakarta via TIKI kusta: Rp. 12.500 = $1,2).

- Karik Mak “Ijin Belajar” foun ne’e sai ona, estudantes sira sei ba hola formulario iha Imigrasi nebe besik hodi trata nomos fotocopia tan dokumentus hodi ba trata KITAS (Kartu Ijin Tinggal Terbatas) nebe sei validu ate tinan 1 deit, ho nia kusta Rp. 790.000 plus ho hasai fotografias, iha USD= $85.00).

- Kada tinan estudantes sira precisa halo renewal ba sira nia “KITAS” iha imigrasaun, antes nee precisa halo extensaun ba sira nia “Ijin Belajar” hodi manda tan requerimentus ba embaixada RDTL iha Jakarta nebe mak sei lori requerimentus ne’e hodi ba prosesu iha Minesteriu de Edukasaun Indonesia nian.

2. Hahan no Buat Seluk

- Uja Internet iha Internet Café (Warung Internet/ WARNET) hodi komunika ho familia via e-mail ou hodi buka “TUGAS” husi campus. Oras ida = Rp.3500 = $0,35).

- Osan Transporte uja kareta publiku (One Way) = Rp. 2500 - 5000 = $0,25 - $0,50).

- Osan Pulsa (baratu liu) Rp.5500 = $0,50) depende ba operador telekomunikasaun idak – idak.

- Han loron ida hamutuk Rp. 14.000 = $1,4) to’o fulan ida hamutuk Rp.14.000 x 30 = Rp. 420.000) = $45.00).

- Fotocopia tahan ida = Rp. 100,00 = $0.01)

- Print tahan ida = Rp. 500,00 = $0,05

Karik hakarak uja komputador privadu (PC), Notebook ou Laptop:

- Komputador (PC) segunda maun = Rp. 1.100.000 = $119 (depende ba nia spesifikasaun).

- Komputador Foun = Rp. 2.000.000 = $217 (Depende ba nia spesifikasaun).

- Notebook + Ori. OS (FOUN) nia presu husi Rp. 3.100.000 = $336 (Depende ba nia spesifikasaun nomos MERK).

- Laptop + Ori OS (FOUN) nia presu husi Rp. 5.000.000 = $543 (Depende ba nia spesifikasaun nomos MERK).

3. Osan Kampus

- Kada semester (Kada 6 meses = Rp. 2.500.000 – 3.000.000 = $271 - $326. (depende ba kampus idak – idak nomos fakuldade idak - idak, balun bele karun liu tan husi ne’e), Ida ne’e ba fakuldade Teknik Informatika deit). Maibe osan ne’e bele selu dala rua (“cicil”), depende mos husi kampus idak – idak nian policy.

- Osan SPP nomos rejistu = Rp. 2.000.000 = $217, selu dala ida deit to’o remata istudu.

4. Osan Reserva

- Dalaruma temos que rai osan reserve no caso hetan buat ruma nebe mak unexpectable hanesan moras,etc.. bele rai to’o Rp.500.000 = $54.00)

Estudantes tuan nebe mak iha Bandung, komesa hatene ona maneja sira nia expensaun ou poupa ho wisely sira nia expensaun sira nee, sira dalaburak hanorin malu oinsa bele poupa osan nomos fo alternatives diak ba malu inklui mos dalan atu trata requerimentus ba “Ijin Belajar”.

Ida ne’e mak hanesan informasaun balun nebe mak hato’o husi ami, espera katak bele halo ita boot sira nia preparasaun diak liu tan. Obrigado.

“Beli yang dibutuhkan bukan yang diperlukan”


\m/ \m/



How much is Greater Sunrise really worth?

How much is Greater Sunrise really worth?

A revised potential revenue estimate for a disputed gas resource in the Timor Sea.

"If the project goes ahead Australia and Timor Leste could expect more than $90 billion (US$68 billion) in
export revenues and about $A52 billion (US$39 billion) government receipts (taxes and royalties) ... The
value of the field to Timor Leste must be seen as the sum total of the upstream plus downstream
benefits. The US$39 billion in government receipts is only half the story. Of comparable value are the
downstream benefits arising from onshore infrastructure investment." Geoff McKee, Oil and Gas engineer.

Download the complete here:

Source: laohamutuk.org/Oil/LNG/Refs/054McKeeSunriseWorth.pdf


TL still luck in accessing the Availability of latest technologies (Market Environment) which made its won the last position among countries in the world.
From the readiness subindex which covers (Individual readiness, Business readiness
and Government readiness) to utilize ICT in their daily activities and transactions, TL again won the last position.
From the Education expenditures TL won the first place among all countries in the world with 11.00 point (hard data).

Download the complete data here with free:


Source: http://www.weforum.org/en/initiatives/gcp/Global%20Information%20Technology%20Report/index.htm



Hanesan Style XP nebe mak, sei troka themes husi Windows XP nian. Versaun Qibot XP nee baseia ba Windows XP Style (LiveXP).
Hakarak esperiensia rasik ho theme nee, favor ida klik deit link ida nee, para hodi bele download deit.


Qi-BOOT-TEAM\m/ \m/;-)


Netgear Announces New SMB Wireless Network Controllers

Today, Netgear announced three new wireless network controller offerings that take some of the network management features of their enterprise products into the small-to-medium business market, including mass firmware upgrades, centralized configuration options, and load-balancing, for networks from five to 1500 users.

All of these products are targeted at outfits with different network needs and IT resources--whether you've got a dedicated IT department or a guy who "knows about computers," configuring the advanced features for a small-business is relatively easy.

First up is the ProSafe 5-AP Wireless Management Software (WMS105), which is aimed at networks between five and 50 users and doesn't require much in the way of specialized networking experience to set up. The WMS105 lets you automatically detect and configure up to five supported Netgear 802.11g/Wireless-N routers on your network at the same time, and doesn't require any specialized training; if you can configure one of their routers, you should be able to use their Wireless Management Software. The WMS105 will cost $50 and is due for a May release.

Administrators of networks with 50 to 200 users, on the other hand, will probably opt for the ProSafe 16-AP Wireless Management System (WMS5316), which allows you to manage up to 16 wireless access points and includes features typically found in enterprise-class wireless controllers. In addition to the simultaneous configuration options, the WMS5316 includes additional features to ensure your wireless access is smooth and safe, such as load-balancing among your access points and rogue access point detection. The WMS5316 is listed at $910 and will be available in March.

If that's still not big enough, networks between 200-1500 users can choose the ProSafe 20-AP Wireless Controller (WC7520), which supports 20 APs but can be expanded up to 50 APs on a single unit for an additional license cost, and can be stacked up to three controllers (150 APs) on a single network. Besides the extra capacity, the WC7520 supports fast roaming (so you can move across multiple APs without losing your signal) and SpectraLink Voice over Wi-Fi Quality of Service compliance. The 20-AP WC7520 will be released in July to the tune of $6,280, while each 10-AP incremental upgrade will cost an additional $4,200.

source: http://news.yahoo.com/s/pcworld/20100113/tc_pcworld/netgearannouncesnewsmbwirelessnetworkcontrollers;_ylt=AkThQutn6guQGOjRU5f4HoQjtBAF;_ylu=X3oDMTNxOGhhb2k0BGFzc2V0A3Bjd29ybGQvMjAxMDAxMTMvbmV0Z2VhcmFubm91bmNlc25ld3NtYndpcmVsZXNzbmV0d29ya2NvbnRyb2xsZXJzBHBvcwM1BHNlY...wN5bl9hcnRpY2xlX3N1bW1hcnlfbGlzdARzbGsDbmV0Z2VhcmFubm91

China’s Cyber Warriors and nationalism;-)

SBS Dateline reporter, George Negus, conducts an interview with Chinese hacker Yang Zhao. Yang talks about the attacks on CNN, nationalism and intrusion methods. This is the Youtube version of the video and is shorter than the version found on the SBS Dateline website.

CNN’s angry Chinese hacker Xiao Chen returns

In March of this year, CNN ran a story about Xiao Chen and his organization of hackers, reporting that the group had broken into the Pentagon and received payments from the Chinese government.

Xiao Chen, in a subsequent interview with the Shanghai Post, refuted all of CNN’s allegations and tearfully explained how all of this controversy had caused him to close his website hack4.com…he had struggled to create it…he had poured his heart and soul into it…and now was left with only had a handful of magic beans to show for his trouble.

I may be mixing my stories but he did elevate whining to an art form.

No need to worry, Xiao Chen pulled himself up, dusted himself off and managed to get back in the hacking game. Welcome to the new hack4.com , decorated in Olympic themed swirls guaranteed to never go out of style.

Source: http://www.thedarkvisitor.com/category/chinese-hacker-video/



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