
How much is Greater Sunrise really worth?

How much is Greater Sunrise really worth?

A revised potential revenue estimate for a disputed gas resource in the Timor Sea.

"If the project goes ahead Australia and Timor Leste could expect more than $90 billion (US$68 billion) in
export revenues and about $A52 billion (US$39 billion) government receipts (taxes and royalties) ... The
value of the field to Timor Leste must be seen as the sum total of the upstream plus downstream
benefits. The US$39 billion in government receipts is only half the story. Of comparable value are the
downstream benefits arising from onshore infrastructure investment." Geoff McKee, Oil and Gas engineer.

Download the complete here:

Source: laohamutuk.org/Oil/LNG/Refs/054McKeeSunriseWorth.pdf


TL still luck in accessing the Availability of latest technologies (Market Environment) which made its won the last position among countries in the world.
From the readiness subindex which covers (Individual readiness, Business readiness
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From the Education expenditures TL won the first place among all countries in the world with 11.00 point (hard data).

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